Please follow these instructions when exporting your files to ensure the best possible results

Export all files as .WAV or .AIFF files
Bypass all effects plug-ins, including compression, EQ etc.
Export all vocals in MONO
Return all panning to the centre
Label every individual file clearly. [i.e. LEAD VOCAL, ADLIBDS, KICK, SNARE, GUITAR etc.]
Provide the tempo & key of the song if you know it.
Record 3 separate vocal takes for the chorus/hook section for a fuller sound
Payment will need to be made in advance of any work being started. Unlimited revisions are included with all mixing & mastering packages.​
Send your files in a ZIP folder via WeTransfer or similar service to:
£20 charge per each additional artist featured on the song (MIXING ONLY) / 10% DISCOUNT ON 3 OR MORE SONGS